
Come cambiare il proprio mindset per un allenamento regolare - TOP LEVEL SPORT
  • Jan 29, 2023
How to change your mindset for a regular workout

Achieving your goals requires a combination of several factors, including motivation, discipline, commitment and perseverance. Motivation is the initial spark that propels us towards our goals, but discipline is what helps us maintain the consistency needed to achieve them. The key to success is finding a balance between motivation and discipline.

Come indossare e pulire il costumone da gara: consigli pratici per nuotatori - TOP LEVEL SPORT
  • Jan 4, 2023
How to wear and clean your racing swimsuit: practical advice for swimmers

The competition suit is a specific garment worn by swimmers during swimming competitions. It's made from synthetic fabrics like polyester or nylon , which are lightweight, breathable, and water resistant. Discover some practical tips for wearing your swimsuit and taking care of it after use.

I 10 esercizi di Crossfit piรน difficili - TOP LEVEL SPORT
  • Jan 3, 2023
The 10 most difficult Crossfit exercises

It's no surprise that some exercises are considered more difficult than others, both because of the technique required and the strength and endurance that must be developed to perform them correctly. Find out the 10 most difficult.

La Dieta Ideale per uno Sportivo: Cosa Mangiare Prima, Durante e Dopo l'Allenamento - TOP LEVEL SPORT
  • Jan 2, 2023
The Ideal Diet for a Sportsman: What to Eat Before, During and After Training

For those who practice sports at a competitive level or simply for their physical well-being, proper nutrition is essential. Here are some tips on what to eat before, during and after your workout.